This is a picture of the government supressing the people at the Gaza Strip. It shows their power holding the people back. The sign is explaining that the humanitarians that would want to help, re not allowed. It is a symbol of the supression in the Conflict.



The man has a star of david on his back and he is spearing what appears to be a christ like figure. The woman in the back is wearing a swastika to represent honor of Hitler. I think that the main point of this cartoon is that the different religions are fighting against eachother just like the begining of time.


This cartoon yet again deals with the Gaza and Israeli conflict.  The people from the Gaza Ghetto are being held at gun point by Israeli soldiers.  Also, the little kid with a plate and fork who isn't in the ghetto is being haulted.  This cartoon illistrates the control that the Israeli's have over the people of Gaza.  It looks like the kid is looking for food he stopped by the soldiers.


This Cartoon has to deal with Israel and Palestine as seen in the west.  Israel is depicted as a boom box blasting "ISRAEL HAS THE RIGHT TO EXIST!", while poor little Palestine cannot be heard due to Israel being so loud.  This explains Palestine wants to be their own country, but due to no one is ackknowledging them as a country, just a territory.  This has been an on going conflict throughout history of Israel and Palestine.


This cartoon illistrates that even though Palestine is within Israel, it is still its own territory and is proud.  Israel is so big and small little Palestine is within it but standing proud and making itself heard little by little.